News from Ediacara

The Ediacaran period is the era between around 635Mybp and 540Mybp, just before the Cambrian. You pronounce it "ed-ee-ack-a-ran". It is also the name of a new blog by the inimitable Chris Nedin, erstwhile paleontologist who specialised in the Ediacaran fauna before joining the Dark Side (federal public service) in order to eat. Go read Ediacaran: Past Imperfect and leave some comments. His first post is about why Anomalocaris couldn't continue to eat trilobites. I guarantee that he will be interesting and informed. Bugger knows way too much anyway...

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Most excellent writing. I wish I could do that. And he has Professor Steve Steve.

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 26 Oct 2008 #permalink

But how can Nedin be trusted?