
No. Word.


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I just saw a few minutes of Fox's Bill O'Reilly being interviewed by Matt Lauer on The Today Show regarding President Bush's surprise visit to Baghdad along with other issues of the Iraq war. Undoubtedly, there will be some folks who will parse and critique every word that Matt and Bill uttered,…
Huh. I'd been wondering why I've been getting so much complaining email lately, defending Pensacola Christian College. Pz Myers, I'm A Christian. I came across your blog when searching for PCC in Pensacola FL. This web site was the first on the list. I of course disagree with you, but I do know…
Heat. You have heard it before. You have used it. I have even used it. Do we need this word? No. Is this a useful word? No. Let me start with the definition as usually stated in a physics type text: (this is from []( *heat:* a…
Someone writes: TO List Supervisor, Prof. Volokh: Mendacious, Fabrication, Falsity, Untrue. These words used by Mr. Lambert to describe Mr. Kates's arguments. Is it permissible to call a list member a liar if you use a thesaurus? No. The only people you are allowed to call liars are those not in…

Ahh 24. Thats how I should base my descisions.
Could I get a little arm band that read:
"What Would Picard Do?"
Maybe some form of hippy slver jewelry...

Tie between #13 and #24.

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 03 Apr 2009 #permalink

I always thought Twitter was the sound made by the ST:TOS communicators when they flipped them open. Pity you can't get the sound for a clamshell phone.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink