THE STALLING TACTICS BEGIN: Christian Groups Urge Pelosi To Hold Off on Stem Cell Bill in Light of "New Scientific Discovery"

As I predicted, stem cell opponents have issued a press release "pleading" with Dems to hold off on a stem cell bill in light of the Nature Biotechnology study on amniotic stem cells:

Christian Groups Urge Pelosi to Hold Off Embryonic Stem Cell Bills Based on New Scientific Discovery

A growing coalition of Faith organizations are expected to hand-deliver a letter to Speaker Pelosi this week.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Groundbreaking scientific advances in stem cell research released today by Nature Biotechnology may resolve the decade-old moral dilemma concerning the destruction innocent human life in order to procure highly valued stem cells. The new discovery of pluripotent stem cells in amniotic fluid, has the potential of removing all ethical debate from stem cell research funding.

And notice this from


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Though this discovery is interesting, I still see no reason to hold off on stem cell research. It's a delaying tactic, no more.

I find the phrasing of the article wonderfully biased.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 08 Jan 2007 #permalink

Christians have been so wrong on so many fronts that I find it hard to believe anyone takes them seriously on anything any more.

This bronze age ooga booga shamanism is just standing in the way to make itself marginally more relevant.

I actually found the article somewhat incremental. I don't understand why it's on the cover of every newspaper in the country unless it's purely because this debate is about to occur.

They ignored the breakthrough parthenogenic ES cell result in Nature a couple weeks ago, and instead are gaga for what appear to be glorified cord blood cells.

I'm unimpressed and disturbed. I knew this would happen as a result of this pointless hype.

First of all, jackasses et al, there is no general ban on embryonic stemm cell research either via Federal or other private funding. Its just that there is a clamp on new lines for such being created. I thought everyone knew that. Second, if it is true that the amniotic derived versions of "pluripotency" are seemingly overdone in the media is merely because for so long the OTHER type (yes, Virginia, there really is more than on type that dosen't involved ripping human embryos apart) that does not involved controversy, to wit, ADULT ESCs are largely ignored, even though they are easier to work with and have treated over 80 diseases and more come online every year. This has been known for over 30 years. Further, ASCs unlike their clunker embyonic brother, by contrast don't seem to have the ugly tactic of metastisizing.

Ask your peers how the human trials for ESCs are going along?

Working with ESCs is like fiddling with a Commodore 64.

ASCs by analogy have all the pluripotency claimed for ESCs but are more in line with a 64-bit supercomputer in their ability to actually TREAT rather than hype.

There is in all probability, another issue here (the A-word) that some liberal journalists have all but admitted is the real blow softener when it comes to why liberals love ESCs even while most private money bags won't invest in them (for obvious don't work...)

In other words, if you can rip humans apart for some putatively higher cause or notion, then all other aspects of gore are reduced in the mind.

I thought so all along, but Anna Quindlin let the cat out of the bag over in Newsweek.

This gorilla dust libs raise about ESCs and others "vetoing" science is as much of a bluff. The real issue is not science but political sophistry. This new crop of idiots in Congress unfortunately exemplifies it. They win elections based the appearance of moderation and chaw-chewin' plain folks in the local districts via Iraq's snag, and then make a call for a "science mandate" that's actually focused on making sure that it is never in question again whether little Jenny can get an abortion in order to fit in her prom dress.…
