What Would Jesus Wiki? Welcome to the Conservapedia


When knowledge challenges values or cuts against preferred policies, you attack the messenger, and then invent your own rival knowledge. That's been the playbook for the conservative movement over the past thirty years.

Attack the so-called "liberal" media and launch interest groups masquerading as news organizations (think Fox News.)

Attack so-called liberal economists and scientists, and launch your own rival think tank science. Think trickle-down economics, intelligent-design creationism, and climate skepticism....

And now, conservatives attack the "liberal" knowledge collaboratively written at Wikipedia, and launch their own rival community knowledge site, Conservapedia. It's the preferred wiki for home-schooled kids.

Wired magazine has the scoop here.

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It may be the preferred wiki for socially conservative Christian bloggers, but it's not the preferred wiki for all homeschoolers. Some of us have higher standards.