Talk @ Swedish Embassy: The Paradigm Shift in Sci Comm

Next week on Wednesday I will be joined by several stellar panelists for a Science Cafe discussion at the Swedish Embassy aka the House of Sweden. Built last year, the embassy is an architectural marvel sitting on some of the best real estate in the Georgetown waterfront.

You don't want to miss this. I hear that they are expecting an audience topping a 100 and I am sure people will be gathering afterwards to go out for beers in Georgetown. Details below. Notice the RSVP requirement.

For my talk, I will be discussing the paradigm shift in science communication, focusing in on the continued debate over evolution. the recent National Academies report on the topic, the forthcoming Ben Stein advocacy film, and the role of maverick communicators such as Richard Dawkins.

Public Understanding of Science
January 16, 2008

6:30 to 8:30 pm

--Jan Riise, Goteborg Center for Public Learning and Understanding of
--Matthew C. Nisbet, Assistant Professor at American University, the School
of Communication

--Nils Bruzelius, Deputy National Editor/Science at the Washington Post

The cafes are a continuation of the 2007 Linnaeus Tercentenary
celebrations where Swedish and American researchers debate important
science & technology issues.

--you must RSVP for this one in advance because it takes place at an embassy:
Please RSVP by January 14th to

-the street address (as opposed to the mailing address which does not work in the Metro Trip Planner) is 901 30th Street, NW, Washington, DC


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There is no debate over evolution. There are only attempts to neuter our teaching of biologic science.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Hello, I met Professor Nisbit at a talk he gave last fall at NAS on communicating science. It was very influencial. I also started a meetup group dedicated to promoting Berkley's Open Infrastructure for Networked Computing, which allows non-scientists to contribute to breakthroughs in science by donating idle time on their computers. We meet January 23rd.