Good coffee, weak rankings?

USA Today has coffee shop rankings up. I've been to two on the list, Stumptown in Portland, and Caffe Dante in Greenwich Village. All I've got to say is that Caffe Dante is weak compared to Stumptown's muddy blend. They should have kept World Cup on the list. Frankly, Starbucks was the best coffee I found in New York. Pacific Northwest representing!


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I generally agree with your assessment. Though I've only been to a few on the list, both Reggio and Dante are weak sauce in my book. Plus they ignored a crapload of good stuff in the flyover...which I guess is understandable. But Still!

i used to live in PTown and still go back all the time. when my best friends there moved away from their house two blocks from the original Stumptown on SE Division I cried.

i lived on 32nd & division for a while. the division st. shop had the better fresher brew, but belmont shack had better ambience.

Neat, Zoka's on there. That's where I go to caffeinate whilst busily writing my thesis. The downside to that place is that it's easy to get distracted by the attractive people who frequent it.

i heard zoka's wuz closing, you know much about it?

I've heard nothing about it, but I highly doubt Zoka will be closing -- they recently opened a second shop near the University, and both are consistently packed.