Tell 'em it ain't so Bora!!!

By now most of you have read Online Journalism Review, which deigns to character moi as:

...And there are several blogs, such as Afarensis and Gene Expression, that tend to stay away from cultural and political commentary altogether.

Well, Mr. Science and Politics might have something to say about that! To be fair, this is an issue of sampling bias...I haven't posted too much on politics here on this weblog, so if you sampled on any given day one might surmise that this wasn't a particularly political blog. And I agree it isn't, at least explicitly, though we all have political opinions which shape the way we look at the world and what we find interesting. If Seed had approached me to blog for them 3 years ago they would have taken on someone who had mildly strong political passions, but at this point it seems to be so much social epiphenomena to me. Mine eyes look to the heavens....


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Yes, I will be your character witness! I have noticed, though, that here on SEED, you tend to stick to science, which also makes me happy to read you regularly and, surprise, not disagree with you vehemently every day LOL!