Noah Millman on Iran

Since Noah Millman posts so infrequently he should really install an RSS feed! In any case, Noah lays out a pragmatic case for why we shouldn't invade Iran, which prompted a response with this denouement:

We lack only the will, not the power, to destroy the threat that Iran presents -- and we lack that will partly because people like you delude yourself and others into believing we can't defeat these savages militarily. How sad to see the greatest nation on earth brought to its knees by its own people. How sad to see these dark-ages barbarians, who are bent on the elimination of all freedom on the planet, empowered by the alleged champions of liberty: the liberals. When these savages appear at your door, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Fevered dreams....


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Ok I'm really sorry but this has nothing to do with the above post. I'm truly desperate to get my hands on a good pro-evolution film or something that explains clearly what its all about. All I seem to get locally is a bunch of bullshit about evolution vs. creationism. I've gotten a few good books mainly Dawkins, Steve Gould and Steve Jones but I'd love to see a good evolution film for once any reccomendations?

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I read the article and for the most part agree with Millman, especially that a war with Iran would be:
1. Unwinnable
2. Maybe not even necessary

However, he thinks that Iran wants a nuke to prevent an attack by the US or its allies, however I would go further and say to also prevent an attack from Sunni dominated states and their Sunni Jihadists proxies... in other words Saudi Arabia and Pakistan principally.

BTW, here's a good link to Middle East Empires, for those who are more spatially inclined!