
i-bb743da647dea81c9a79cc99b31ab11b-matt.jpgYes. Ted Haggard might be gay. So what? Robert Wright his gay too, he's obviously falling in love with Henry Farrell. And there are other gay people out there....


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So what is right. So what is that Haggard has been a gay basher and a bigot in his public life while (allegedly) being gay in his private life. He has been pushing anti-gay legislation in the government. His hypocritcal life is a true tragedy. I can only imagine how miserable he must be every single day. If this is tru (and I suspect it is), it is ironic, hysterical, and tragic all at the same time.

But to truly show that the religious right are the idiots and those of us who live in a "reality based" world are sane, we should not condemn him for living in fear and hiding, but rather we should help him find a way to come to terms with his own sexuality and to become a healthy human being.

razib: in this one instance, I would like to say, "strike that....reverse it".

help him out, as we should help out all actually-gay-but-married-straight people who are completely torn in their daily lives. Forget about it, be gay/lesbian, move on and love life...