My politics, again

This Moral Politics quiz said I was a progressive liberal. I wasn't happy with that result, so I retook the Politopia test which tagged me as a a "centrist." I wanted to look for a test which would label me as a libertarian, but I'm tired, so another time....


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you may not have noticed, but what the Moral politics quiz calls "liberal" is what should be reffered to as libertarian. while what they call "socialist" is generally known as liberal.

I didn't like the way the Moral Politics quiz phrased its questions -- I felt that on a couple I could have easily picked any of the answers. Plus, it labeled me a "socialist", which I didn't like. I think robert was right about their labeling. The Politopia called me a "centrist", which was okay, while the Political Compass quiz suggested by Jake called me a social and economic libertarian, which seemed alright as well. All I know is that I didn't register on the right, so I'm happy.

I wasn't surprised where I came out - variously socialist, progressive, capital Democrat (whatever that means). More telling were the two presidents with whom I have the greatest overlap of views - Jimmy Carter (87%)and Bill Clinton (93%). Hmm... don't know about that. But that is surely better company than what we currently have in the White House. Even the neo-cons are running away from him!

Razib, despite your carefully cultivated abrasive persona, I suspect you harbor a kind, sensible, decent, liberal core in your heart. :-) I just saw a survey that conservatives like dogs and NOT cats. (Makes sense, they like whip cracking discipline and blind obedience). Liberals like cats AND dogs. Again sounds right. We accept people and animals for who they are without trying to bend them out of shape to conform to a rigid ideal and make them miserable enough to deny their true self. Take Rev Ted Haggard as the latest example.