Quoted on Radio Open Source

Chris Lydon quoted me again on Radio Open Source on the post election episode. It's in the last 10 minutes of the podcast. He read this whole section from my post last night:

The Democrats do not bring a smile to my face. They are lovers of big government and righteous paternalism. It seems entirely likely than in the next 2 years they'll collude with our president in throwing the borders open to masses of future potential voters, a helot caste who will feed the flames of identity politics and class warfare. The multicultural managerial elite and the corporate oligarchs will be smile as the bulging pear-shaped American social system is replaced by a triangle with a large base and themselves at the pinnacle. I was born in a Third World country, and I might well just die in one, so I guess I best get a move on to make sure that I'm nicely ensconsed in the coming oligarchy. But that is the future, the danger down the generations must for the moment cede ground to the government abomination of the present. Sometimes the right hand needs the left, and two wrongs do make a right.

I must say that it sounds a whole lot more apocalyptic in Chris Lydon's stentorian voice than in my mind's ear...I was tired last night, and frankly the whole Neandertal introgression story breaking when it did made me rather sour about the nasty business of politics. Most of what I posted really does reflect my cynical attidue, as the condescending Left-leaning commentator on the show observed (do I now look forward to a Republican pushback in 2008!). I don't trust the Right or Left elites to perpetuate a middle class society, though I pray to a God that I don't believe exists that I'm wrong. Anyway, it is worth listening to just to hear the kind of baffled responses, though Meagan McCardle handled it well, even if she is a corporate stooge. I mean, I was frankly shocked that Chris quoted me, I do sound like I'm not all there in that passage....


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