Carl fisks Luskin

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The Discovery Institute's Evolution News and Views blog neither reports news on evolution nor offers interesting views. One of their bloggers, Casey Luskin, is notorious for misunderstanding and misrepresenting science -- which is par for the course at the Disco. Casey recently decided to attack a…
Last week I linked to Carl Zimmer's take down of Casey Luskin. Notice how the text containing the link to Carl's post says "Casey Luskin". It's called a Google bomb -- we're trying to make Carl's post the number one search result when one enters Casey Luskin as a query in Google. It only works if a…
It's a sign of the lowly state to which the DI is descending that their assaults on evolutionary ideas have lately been led by the pathetic Casey Luskin. Luskin is a guy who doesn't understand biology, and whose usual line of attack is to whine about credentials—it isn't a good combination. After…
Casey Luskin is still flailing at Carl Zimmer, and Carl has updated his rebuttal appropriately. It's good entertainment if you find attack mice amusing.