Movies to watch

I don't watch many films, but I thought I would pass this along...

Live and Become, never checked the time. Great film. It was long, but the time flew by.
Hot Fuzz, checked the time only once, 3/4 of the way through the film. Pretty good.
The Namesake, checked the time a fair amount, especially the second half of the film. Tried to do too much.
Spiderman 3, checked the time a lot. Am I old? The special effects didn't do it for me. Give me some 3-D CGI and smells or something new.


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No, you are not old. Spidey 3 is just an awful movie and way too long.

I wanted to see LIVE & BECOME but it never played in NYC. Not even in a little art house.

I think the 80s to early 90s are going to be regarded as a golden age of special effects movies, an era in which miniatures, puppets, and stop motion techniques had become highly sophisticated and computer graphics (if used at all) were employed judiciously and creatively. Miniatures, puppets, prosthetics, and sets have a physical presence which even today's CGI usually fails to have. CGI too often often has the glossy, weightless appearance of a video game, albeit with higher resolution.

I emailed the producer - it is opening in NYC in the fall. I'll be sure to see it.

No good coffee on the horizon, though. (NYC also lacks a good doughnut shop, too.)

There's no such thing as a good doughnut shop.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 15 May 2007 #permalink

I don't know though - Andy Roddick admits he eats Krispy Kremes for breakfast, and I wouldn't mind being able to serve as fast as he can.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 15 May 2007 #permalink