The "proto-Gorilla"

Go read John Hawks.


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John Hawks reads the papers so that I don't have to. Here is Hawks's reply to the human-chimp speciation paper I mentioned in the previous post. The basic conclusion that Hawks reaches: Don't believe the hype. The data analysis in the paper is sound, but the conclusions the authors draw are…
If you read my post about Neandertals and cold climate, you should go read John Hawks' opinion.
I'll hopefully have more to say about Steven Pinker's long and excellent essay in the NY Times later - but for now, go read it yourself, and then read John Hawks' thoughtful comments.
Robert Skipper took issue with Dick Lewontin's definition of natural selection. Skipper did not like how Lewontin removed the struggle for existence and interaction with the environment from the requirements for evolution by natural selection. John Hawks points out that the environment…