Vote for Shelley

Shelley needs help to win a blogging scholarship. If you're so inclined vote for Shelley. General information on the scholarship.


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It will only take you two clicks to take care of this one (and you could even do it from work, home, and the coffee shop!). Shelley, from Retrospectacle, needs your help to win a $10,000 blogging scholarship. Just think she could pay off her student loans and maybe even have a couple bucks left…
Fellow ScienceBlogger Shelley Batts is a finalist for a student blogging scholarship. Not only is she a fine blogger, but she shares with me a connection with the University of Michigan, where she is now working on her Ph.D. and where I got both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. So, with that…
Fellow ScienceBlogger Shelly Batts of Retrospectacle was chosen this last week as a finalist for a blogging scholarship being offered by Scholarships Around the US. She's a hell of a blogger, and I think she deserves our support. If you agree, you have until midnight (Eastern Time) TONIGHT to…
So ScienceBlogling Shelley Batts of Retrospectacle is one of twenty finalists in a blogging contest, and if she wins, she gets a $10,000 scholarship. Head on over to the voting page, and vote for her. Why? Not only do I like her writing, but she also stood her ground against Wiley Publishing…