Iron Man

i-a2f7e9c0e31f7bde52fbe0abedbb9def-039_67041.jpgSaw Iron Man with that genderist SOB Jake Young. All I can say is that it is nice that G. K. Paltrow finally has a hit on her hands after all these years....

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She doesn't much look like the descendant of Polish rabbis does she? I guess her mother's Nordic genes carried the day.

unfortunately. if she took after her jewish side, she'd be packing some heat in the seat.

what did you think of the movie, btw? worth seeing?

it wasn't boring.

She doesn't much look like the descendant of Polish rabbis does she? I guess her mother's Nordic genes carried the day.

the irony is that though she is often characterized as an "uber-WASP," she follows her father's jewish religion, not her mother's quakerism.

A South Asian colleague who's had a thing for her ever since he saw her in A Perfect Murder is a mathematician. His field is totally dominated by Jewish men of East European descent, but like me, he also thought she's a 'uber-WASP'. I'll have to let him know! Gwyneth Paltrow!? Jewish genes, hmmm...BTW, what do you consider her last hit?

Hey Chet, how's it going?