A good critique of my posts which explored the correlates of Biblical literacy. It isn't surprising that some transformations make the relationship clearer....
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Over at Small Gray Matters, there is an excellent critique of my last post on fMRI. Here is the nut graf:
While fMRI certainly has important technical limitations people should be aware of (low spatial and temporal resolution, high costs giving rise to underpowered studies, etc.), I think the issue…
There's a little bible quiz out there. I scored 74% correct on it, even thought he last time I opened a bible was more than 25 years ago.
Yet I'm about to embark on my graduate studies in Archives and Records Management. Go figure.
Just wondering about the measure for "education" ... if theological degrees were removed from the data, would there be visible differences?
I don't really like this graph better because of the logarithmic scale. I strongly prefer the other one posted at Ecstathy with the straight trend transformed into a smooth curve. Anyhow I think it's nitty-pickiness: the indicated trend is almost the same.
I like the new graph because it shows a gap between the Lutherans and Catholics and the Nazarenes and Southern Baptists, which is intuitively right to me.
The United Church of Christ was the sleeper; apparently it's the merger of the Congregationalists and the Reformed -- a Yankee / Dutch super-Protestant Church,and thus fits in with the Presbyterians, Episcopals, and Unitarians.
Does this only apply to American citizens? And even then if you did the same test in an Arab country doing it against Islam the results would be completely different.