Steven Pinker interview

Steven Pinker: The evolutionary man. Also check out the GNXP interview with Pinker from 2 years ago.

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Sort of. I assume that part of this is delivery and the nature of a short interview format. But, I think it is important to highlight a point of mild disagreement between Steven Pinker and Rebecca Goldstein in their Salon interview: PINKER: Exactly. I would be opposed to a requirement on astrology…
Actually, the awards will include other sorts of blogging, too, but it's the awards for science blogging that have a fast-approaching nomination deadline. 3 Quarks Daily Announces The Quarks: The First Award for Best Science Blogging Judged by Steven Pinker Celebrating the best of blog-writing on…
Check out this new interview with Steven Pinker. It ostensibly focuses on his new book, The Stuff of Thought, though it covers a lot of ground. My own feeling is that the interviewer should have let the focus be more on Pinker than his own pet theories, but there's a lot of good stuff in there.
... that probably ruins the whole thing. I have not yet read The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, so I could be wrong, but if you have a copy check it out and tell me if I've got it right. Breifly, the book says: " it's a meticulously documented argument about how much…

It's not much of an interview. More of an article with a few quotations.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink