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Zoo Borns claims "A second serving of adorable Asian Small-clawed Otter pups born just three weeks ago at Sea World Orlando. As you can hear on camera, these social otters often communicate vocally, in this case with a very fitting chirp."
Then they have these bogus video:
Right, sure. THIS IS…
A nice article on birth order in the latest Time. One of the interesting things about birth order effects is that, although they are statistically subtle, people have been noticing the consistent differences between first and last borns for a long time. It's one of those examples of folk psychology…
The previous Australian junta introduced a "citizenship test" for those wanting to become naturalised Aussies. It includes such gems as who Don Bradman was, who wrote a song that isn't even officially our anthem (Waltzing Matilda - Tom Wait's version is way better), and other fluff. About one in…
Who, I ask you, is the coolest human being on the planet? Well yesterday (continuing through today and possibly tomorrow) it was Beth F. for sending me this rocking shot glass from the Oakland Zoo.
Awesome things in this photo include: Oakland Zoo Shot Glassitude, my thumb, waffle-weave polyester…