Heather Mac Donald, Rick Warren and the Presidency.
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Two highly recommended Bloggingheads.tv below the fold on religion. First, the cognitive science of religion in Why Are We Religious?, and second religion & conservatism in God and Man on the Right. My co-blogger at Secular Right, Heather Mac Donald, is getting into it with a future columnist…
Over at my other blog 10 questions fo Heather Mac Donald. You might remember Heather from her recent dust up with other conservatives in regards to her secularity.
Heather Mac Donald reviews Robert Wright's The Evolution of God.
I just found this article by Heather Mac Donald in Slate, Send a Message to God: He has gone too far this time. She published it two years ago, and somehow I missed it!
Assuming they are both still alive, do you think that Obama could get Anita Bryant to sing the national anthem and David Duke to lead the Pledge of Allegiance?
At least Clinton waited to get into office before he stabbed us in the back with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
And we donated two grand for this? What other minority would you do this to?
There's no change here. Same political crap.
I want our money back.
Please remove me from all lists.
I have been with my partner Jane for 27 years and married her on our 27th anniversary in Canada since we can not marry in NY. I may not have Rev. Rick's okay but I have the support of my entire family and community. How dare Rev. Rick compare my love and devotion to my partner with his lust to sleep with beautiful women, how shallow. Let me tell you about my partner, she risked her life by giving 55% of her liver to save another person, a 15 hour operation. We mortgaged our home to give my parents $100.000 to remain in their home after they had a total house fire without adequate insurance. We have a son and four beautiful grand daughters. We worked our entire lives and now plan to volunteer in retirement as we have in the past and he dares to compare our lifestyle with his desire to sleep with beautiful woman. I supported Obama but I am sorely disappointed. We will continue the fight. Shame on you Rev. Rick..Shame on you Barack Obama. I am so sad. Colleen Bolger
I find my opinion on this matter nicely summarized at the ResaonsToBeCheerful3.blogspot.com blog: "Mega-Rev. Rick Warren in numbers." It quantifies what he is searched in connection with in Google and computes a "progressiveness" (or lack thereof) result. Tongue in cheek statistics of course but revealing/funny for sure.
Collee, your post brought tears to my eyes. I hope more readers see it. Keep up the good fight.
If nothing else, I wish the supporters of this travesty ask themselves: if Obama invited the leader of the Aryan Nations to speak at this event, would they be equally comfortable with that choice as they apparently are now? Probably not. But why not? I mean, we're supposed to be open to dialogue, right? When does someone's perspective become so unacceptable that we never want to see them honored with a very public platform as Rick Warren is being honored with now? In other words, why is Warren less horrible than a KKK'er or an Aryan Nation leader? Of course, that's the question no one wants to address.