10,000 Year Explosion & bloggingheads.tv

You can watch me talk to Greg Cochran about his book The 10,000 Year Explosion on bloggingheads.tv this weekend....

There's something interesting about the front page of bloggingheads.tv right now.


Check it. Not only are the two colored people on the front not talking to each other (yeah, I'm talking about the Glenn & John duo), but both happen to be secular Bangladeshi American Republican males. Who have met each other to boot. Conspiracy? Or coincidence? You decide.

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Thanks for posting the blogging heads hour discussion with Cochran.

Really enjoyed it!

Very enjoyable. Well done Greg and Razib. A good revision session, with a great punchline at the end.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 28 Feb 2009 #permalink

Good hearing you guys talk - a nice birthday surprise for me!

Gregory Cochran seemed a bit startled by Razib's assertion that almost a fifth of men never father a child.

Certain reproductive fitness reducing orientations and conditions are less of an evolutionary anomaly seen in the light of that information.

I read once in a while on african sites and elsewhere about Hutus and Tutsis being "colonial social constructs". Without even getting into lactose tolerance, any observant person can see the obvious physical similarity between Tutsis and the more dark-skinned Somalis and other non nilotic (non dinka and similar )pastoral people of east-africa . A Tutsi friend told me about how often groups of Tutsis and Somalis would mistake one group for the other, when they encountered each other in tanzania ( a place where both groups were refugees at the time ). Of course neither group was wearing traditional clothing or anything like that.

By ogunsiron (not verified) on 02 Mar 2009 #permalink