Bernie, the man & the madness

Fortune has a massive profile of Bernie Madoff's life, career and scam. Some new material too.

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Megan McArdle notes: The scale of Bernie Madoff's crimes has largely eclipsed the more interesting scam that broke around the same time: the antics of Mark Dreier, who bilked institutional investors for millions with faked securities. What we know about Madoff suggests that he may have become an…
There are now some articles which are detailing the other Ponzi schemes which are coming out in the wake of l'affaire Madoff. One thing that is notable: the next biggest scam is an order of magnitude less significant. That is, while Bernie Madoff's scam was on the scale of billions, the next ones…
Vanity Fair has a long profile of Walter Noel's clan up right now. Noel, if you don't know, is the head of Fairfield Greenwich, which funneled billions into Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. One of Noel's daughters has this precious quote: Lawyers for aggrieved clients are hell-bent on finding and…
The New York Times just published the definitive Bernie Madoff piece so far, Madoff Scheme Kept Rippling Outward, Across Borders. Reading about Madoff, I can't help but think about this conversation attributed to J. P. Morgan: Untermyer: "Is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or…

Funny how everyone calls this ghastly, evil man "Bernie", like he's your sly, kidding but basically harmless uncle.


(rolls eyes) This is what you call the opposite of "can't catch a break."