Attitudes about evolution across countries

I have posted Creationism as a function of geography before. John Lynch pointed me to a new poll of Argentina, China, Egypt, Great Britain, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Spain and the USA. Though the set of countries is smaller than in some surveys, the number of questions asked were much larger:

-Heard of Darwin
-Not Heard of Darwin
-Know a good/fair amountKnow a little/not much
-Know nothing
-Agree that scientific evidence for evolution exists
-Do not think there is scientific evidence for evolution
-Neither agree nor disagree there is scientific evidence for evolution
-Think it is possible to believe in a God and evolution simultaneously
-Think it is NOT possible to believe in God and evolution simultaneously
-Neither agree nor disagree that it is possible to believe in God and evolution
-Think only evolution should be taught in education
-Think evolution should be taught alongside other theories
-Think evolution should NOT be taught, only other theories
-No theories at all should be taught
-No Opinion

You can see the results at the link above. It also turns out that all the nations listed are represented in the 2005 World Values Survey, so one can compare the responses to variables in that data set. So I looked at the variable "God Very Important," with the frequency who said it was "very important" and added it as a column. Additionally, many of the questions have alternatives which add up to less than 100% because only a subset of the respondents would be able to answer them (those who "Heard of Darwin"). I normalized these results so that they added up to 100% (e.g., so really 40% of people who have Heard of Darwin might agree that scientific evidence for evolution exsts).

Comparing the relationships between the columns I selected a few that I thought were interesting, mostly to see where on the chart the nations cluster.


Though I am generally very wary of making statements as to the "nature" of a religion, it does seem to me that there are hints in these and other data that Hinduism and Islam seem to bias their believers in different directions in regards to evolutionary theory. Turkey, presumably a liberal Muslim nation, exhibits high levels of Creationism (somewhat higher than the United States), and Egypt, a more religious Muslim nation, yields even more Creationism (though a great deal are simply ignorant). Additionally, American medical doctors who are Muslim are the most Creationist of religious doctors. In contrast, Hindu doctors are not very Creationist at all, and though penetration of the ideas of Charles Darwin are rather modest in India there is little Creationist sentiment among those who know of evolution.

China and the United States present different cases. American opinion is rather polarized; the population is generally aware of evolution but a large reservoir of Creationism has developed over the past few generations. In contrast the secular Chinese are more pro-evolution, but there also tends to be an attitude which is congenial to a "New Atheist" conception that evolution and theism are incompatible. This is something the Chinese share with Egyptians, though their general conclusions as to the truth of evolution are in opposition.

Finally there are confusing numbers out of Russia and China. It seems that though Indians are more religious than people in both of these nations, they are also more accepting of evolution. Why? I would posit that decades of Communism, which sometimes attempts to accrue to itself the glamor of materialist evolutionary theory, has had a negative affect on perceptions of the objectivity of science as a general matter (as Marxism asserts its scientific status). Some religious leaders argue that mixing faith & politics redounds negatively upon faith, but the same is no doubt true of science & politics.

Note: Please make sure to keep in mind the scales, they vary from chart to chart (all are percentages). CSV file of data:



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Nothing confusing about Russia at all.

Russian Orthodox Church quickly filled the ideological vacuum left after the fall of the USSR. There are whole channels in Russia dedicated to the Church, but almost nothing dedicated to the science. And Church also tries to mount an attack against secular education (and is succeeding so far).

By Alex Besogonov (not verified) on 06 Jul 2009 #permalink

More proof that Agnosticism is the true way. No one really knows, they just act like they do. It's like a teacher writing 2 + 2 = ? on the blackboard, and 10 different people coming up with 10 different solutions. Wise up people, drop your fear of god and search for reality rather than some man made religion. How can anyone have the audacity to pretend they know the truth for even a split second? Every civilization on this planet has felt the need to create a deity of some sort to pray to. The Egyptians did it (sun gods, gods of the sea, etc.), the Romans did it, the Greeks did it, they did it in the far east, the Ancient Aztecs, Mayans...this list goes on. Each religion is different yet the people of these civilizations are laughably ignorant enough to continue to pretend to know they have the answers. This ignorance has caused war, stupidity, and great (laughable) ego. I think this chart is one of the millions of great demonstrations proving religion is nothing but a hoax to help human beings find answers to questions they can't really figure out. They used to think the Earth was flat people, this is the exact same thing.

As interesting as this poll might be, it reminds me of CNN. The key fact is that opinion has absolutely nothing to to with the facts. Evolution is not a theory, it is a fact. An opinion is nothing more than a preference. Science is a tool for discovery and understanding. Opinions are a form of willful ignorance which is indistinguishable from stupidity.

By Charles J. Budde (not verified) on 06 Jul 2009 #permalink

I have trouble with questions involving the word "God". Of course it is possible to believe in both a God and evolution, even if they are logically inconsistent, thanks to cognitive dissonance. It is also possible to believe in a deistic God which does not conflict with evolution at all, but that's not what most people would think of when surveyed. I'm not sure you're ever going to get much utility out of polls for this particular sort of question, thanks to the slipperiness of the words.

One strange thing here is in some countries how many people haven't even heard of Darwin. In Egypt only 38 percent have heard of Darwin and in South Africa only 27 percent. I don't know quite what is going on in those two cases since every other sampled country has a percentage well over 50%. It might be interesting to see if one gets similar data to the Egypt data in other Islamic or Arab countries.

What is going on with Spain? Low 70s for heard of Darwin? Has the post-Franco wave of modernization still not reached large stretches of the country?

And India's low 60s answer on Darwin suggests that any comparison of India's other answers with the rest of the countries will be all but useless. I assume that the no answer on that question is the rural population. Can you estimate what would happen to the U.S. results if the most rural 25-30% were omitted?