M$'s IBM moment?

Anil Dash has an essay up, Google's Microsoft Moment, (H/T, Charles Iliya Krempeaux) which will be roughly correct at some point in the future if not now. Organizations go through changes in a predictable manner, and Google is unlikely to defy the inevitable laws of corporate evolution. On a related note, Bing Delivers Credibility to Microsoft. Bing is OK, but I wonder how much of the relative openness to it is conditional upon the reality that Microsoft's star is in relative decline in the firmament of technology companies, and so there isn't a reflexive hostility engendered by genuine fear. All that being said, if Dash is correct that we have reached a point where Google is viewed as a corporation instead of a technology firm it seems that the rate of evolution has sped over over the past few decades, we're only 5 years on from Google's IPO!

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For me even Google is in decline. I use it only when Wikipedia doesn't help.

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 13 Jul 2009 #permalink