Prenatal Down syndrome tests are a go (at some point)

Last spring there was a false alarm about a noninvasive form of prenatal testing, in particular for Down syndrome. But if The Guardian is right then the British NHS is pushing forward on a more general program in this direction:

The early signs are so promising that the professor leading the programme says that the risk-free test could be the standard method of detecting babies with some genetic conditions inherited from the father within two to three years and those with Down's syndrome within five - and in the process save the lives of an estimated 265 mostly normal babies a year.

The life-saving part is that there would be far less need for amniocentesis, which is invasive and results in a risk of miscarriage. The cost vs. benefit of prenatal screening would presumably shift. Though British newspapers are inclined toward sensationalism and inaccuracy, this is probably grounded in something real.


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The Guardian seems to have adopted the pro-lifer terminology, "unborn babies" instead of "fetuses."

The Guardian seems to have adopted the pro-lifer terminology, "unborn babies" instead of "fetuses."

why do you think that american terminologies would have any valence for british people?

Razib is right: for British people the two terms are interchangeable. Fetuses sounds more scientific, though, so I think it tends to get used less just because it sounds a bit awkward.

ah, I see they're using extracellular DNA(?). New development since I last looked at the field. Seems more efficient than the way they used to try to do it, straining the bloodstream for the tiny numbers of fetal cells.