Hu Jintao vs. Barack Obama

I found this SNL sketch about an Obama/Jintao press conference very funny.

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It's hilarious. Has SNL attacked Obama that hard before? I've not watched SNL for a long time but that's some great political commentary like they used to do. I'd liked the "I've not done anything" sketch from earlier this year as well.

since i don't own a TV i only watch the online clips. though since 2004, when i gave up the t00b, not "owning a TV" is starting to become meaningless. the main difference is that i have to seek out episodes or shows which i hear buzz about, and it's easier for me to avoid acting on that behavior because of the barriers.

Pretty funny, but maybe they are pulling a mercantilist move with their economic policies, as I have heard suggested in some quarters. Even if mercantilism is not beneficial normally, maybe it is beneficial when there are many rich countries in the world, and you lead the one large country that has yet to even approach its economic potential, and you are wholly liberated from the bad policies of Mao that caused this situation. Its not implausible that few would notice this possibility, because it makes no sense unless you hold the non-PC belief that China has way more economic potential than almost all other poor countries.

By Eric Johnson (not verified) on 23 Nov 2009 #permalink