War on Christmas Update

Uncle Jay Explains the News


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tags: Uncle Jay, humor, satire, parody, streaming video It's been a whole year since Uncle Jay has SUNG an entire episode, and here's the reminder why! It's the year-end review of the news, and maybe it'll seem a little better with music. [3:21]
Loyal reader Man of Misery sends this recap of 2008 from Uncle Jay. I had an Uncle Jay. But he was an orthodontist. Not like this Uncle Jay. Happy New Year boys and girls:
New on Seed Scienceblogs:The ScienceBlogs 500,000th Comment ContestPZ Myers explains Now, where are the comments on this blog? Just type! It's easy! New on PLoS - new articles have been published today on:PLoS GeneticsPLoS Computational BiologyPLoS Pathogens New on Hirschsprung's Disease:Short…
Bloggers are summing up developments from 2007 and looking ahead to 2008: â¢Â Adrienne Germaine at RH Reality Check presents the Top Ten Wins for Womenâs Health in 2007. â¢Â Matt Madia at Reg Watch summarizes Regulatory Policy News for the year. â¢Â Kevin Grandia at DeSmogBlog brings us the Top 5…