Friday Blog Roundup

Bloggers are summing up developments from 2007 and looking ahead to 2008:

â¢Â Adrienne Germaine at RH Reality Check presents the Top Ten Wins for Womenâs Health in 2007.

â¢Â Matt Madia at Reg Watch summarizes Regulatory Policy News for the year.

â¢Â Kevin Grandia at DeSmogBlog brings us the Top 5 YouTube Global Warming Videos of 2007.

â¢Â Rep. Jay Inslee at Climate Progress explains what it will take to make 2008 a great year in addressing climate change.


A New York Times op-ed by Atul Gawande highlighted a highly successful hospital infection-control program that was shut down by the federal Office for Human Research Protections, and bloggers were quick to respond. Check out posts by Roy M. Poses MD, Revere, Mike the Mad Biologist, MedInformaticsMD, and Maggie Mahar.

Steven Novella at Science Based Medicine responds to a New York Times article that reflects a false dichotomy between medicinal plants and pharmaceuticals â which is counterproductive and harmful to consumers. (Hat tip to Abel Pharmboy for pointing me towards this cool new blog!)

Ruth Levine at Global Health Policy addresses some âtired canardsâ that a WSJ op-ed trots out about vaccine advance market commitments.

Coturnix at A Blog Around the Clock reports on the win for open access in the consolidated appropriations bill that passed recently, and links to several blogger reactions to the news.

Amanda at Enviroblog points out that, while power plants are a major source of mercury in water, we shouldnât forget about the accumulation of trace amounts of mercury from household products (which end up in effluent).

Julia Kaye at Womenstake explains her concerns about a new New Jersey law requiring that HIV testing be included in the package of routine prenatal care for pregnant women, and that certain âat-riskâ newborns be tested as well.

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