Facial Processing and Human Cognition: New Findings

...rapid judgments of competence based solely on the facial appearance of candidates predicted the outcomes of gubernatorial elections, the most important elections in the United States next to the presidential elections. In all experiments, participants were presented with the faces of the winner and the runner-up and asked to decide who is more competent. ...Predictions were as accurate after a 100-ms exposure to the faces ...as exposure after 250 ms and unlimited time exposure .... Asking participants to deliberate and make a good judgment dramatically increased the response times and reduced the predictive accuracy of judgments ... competence judgments collected before the elections in 2006 predicted 68.6% of the gubernatorial races and 72.4% of the Senate races ... These effects were independent of the incumbency status of the candidates. The findings suggest that ...

Well, who really cares what these scientists think. I don't care. Do you care, Jesse????


Making Fun of Peer Reviewed Research....

Charles C. Ballew , II*, and Alexander Todorov. (2007) Predicting political elections from rapid and unreflective face judgments. PNAS. Published online before print October 24, 2007, 10.1073/pnas.0705435104.

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