How To ....


There I was, talking to my son on the phone, while Eamon Knight was in the next room surfing blogs. Suddenly I hear something that sounds an awful lot like the Sesame Street Yip-Yips. Finishing my phone call, I resume my own blog-surfing, and here they are (imagine my relief to discover that I was not hallucinating Yip-Yips). Brings back memories of one day almost 20 years ago, when we picked son up at daycare, and he told us all about the "yuppies in the spaceship". (Yuppies? In a spaceship? Maybe if it was a BMW...) Upon further questioning, it was explained to us, with the typical exasperation of a preschooler enlightening his ignorant parents, that the "yuppies" were furry creatures that came down to Sesame Street in a spaceship, and then danced around saying "yipyipyipyip". Suddenly it all made sense.