Somebody emailed be about a a great way to make money with almost no work.

I just have to send my banking details.

Hey, this is from Japan. We trust these guys, right? I can do this, don't you think?

Greeting from Japan.

Having tried your phone and fax number as found in my country's
chamber/business directory but failed.

I am contacting you regarding a proposal to assist me receive funds. However, please be aware that this has nothing to do with scam as the English man will call it neither is it money loundering or any illegal act. The funds in question are from a very legal source.

I will send more details when you reply to me at which is my most secured emaill.

Please do respect the content of this mail and treat with regards as it was meant for you alone, hence I look forward to your urgent response and our partnership.


Mr. Hiroko Jiro


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That Japanese guy speaks really really good Nigerian! But if you ever find the time to answer this fellow ( iknow generally you advise against it;-)
I like to have fun with is a great little exchabge between 419 scammer, and playful internet victim....
But be careful: you don't want the axe to fall on you!!
Praise be to Cthulhu!

By the real Hiro Shima (not verified) on 06 Dec 2007 #permalink