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Last week, I wrote a rather lengthy (or, as my detractors would probably call it, "long-winded") post about the concept of a medical wikipedia. As you may recall, I expressed considerable skepticism about whether the wikipedia concept could work as well as its boosters claim it could. Even though…

I followed the link expecting an amusement site - and now my brains are fried with the inanity - yet it is an organised inanity. The scale of the US creationist machine is often hard to judge from further afield.

As Hitchens says though "it is hard to distinguish creationist argument from creationist parody".

From their registration page:

Autoregistration of CreationWiki editors has been disabled. To join the editorial staff, send a request to the registrar.

Note to Editors: All contributing editors must be creationists (i.e. those who believe the universe and life on earth were created by God). Non-creationists are prohibited from editing articles, except for spelling and grammar corrections. However, anyone is permitted to review articles using the discussion pages adjoining any specific article. Continued participation is reliant upon the careful observance of CreationWiki policies and administrative directives.

Dammit. I was going to edit the "Erroneous arguments" page. It seems a little shorter than it should be.

By Benjamin Franz (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink