This should make you feel better

Sorry about the O'Reilly video, that must have been difficult to look at. So, to make you feel better, have a look at this:


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Back in October, Jamie McCarthy and I castigated Bill O'Reilly for implying that at Malmedy in December 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge U.S. Airborne troops had massacred Nazis soldiers who had surrendered when in fact the Malmedy massacre was perpetrated by SS troops to whom U.S. soldiers had…
Is the subject of an article in Slate. Count me squarely in Olbermann's corner on this one. There are few people on the planet I find as loathsome and ridiculous as Bill O'Reilly and I love watching Olbermann consistently taunt him into making an even bigger ass of himself. I think the Slate…
I'm on my annual summer hiatus for the month of July so I'll be only publishing my weekly Friday Fun posts as well as re-posting some of the interviews I did a few years ago on the old blog with people from the publishing, library and science worlds. Not that my posting of late has been…
If you didn't see it live on TV, you should see this transcript of Bill O'Reilly making a fool of himself while interviewing William Eskridge and Darren Spedale. They are the authors of a book called Gay Marriage for Better or For Worse: What We've Learned from the Evidence. O'Reilly claims to have…

Sigh. Pressuring the EPA to protect businesses instead of the environment. Might be worthwhile fodder for a future Science Sensei episode. It is our irreverent look at science research news. (

I wanted to be a novelist but reality is so much more incredible than fiction. George Orwell already seems to write legislative titles. Protect Americans Act. He would probably have had a great title and description for new EPA legislation:

Global warming reduction act. This act will reduce global warming by reducing the number of pages of papers required for compliance with pollution regulations. Less pollution oversight = less paper = fewer trees cut down = a cleaner environment.
