We Need More of These!

Or, even, one of these...


It does require a prescription (rats!) but all you need is a special barcode and out comes your meds.



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Fill the thing with morning after pills and call it a day. As long as there's no chance of one of these machines finding religion and refusing to do its job.

Makes you wonder why it takes several years university to be able to stick pills in a bottle.

Eiiza: You have a question.

Patient: Can I take this medicine with dairy products?

Eliza; You want to know about dairy products?

Patient: Yes, will it be bad to take this medicine with dairy products?

Eliza: You seem to be very interested in dairy products.

Patient: Can I or can I not take this medicine with diary products?!?!?

Elize: You are getting very excited. Let us change to a different topic.


It is a war between Doctors and Pharmacists, and we are winning!