Evangelistic Film Not OK for Public Schools

From Americans United for the Separation of Church and State:

A church-produced evangelical Christian movie is aimed at evangelism and is inappropriate for public schools, Americans United for Separation of Church and State has told Alabama educators.

After receiving complaints, Americans United has urged officials at Tuscaloosa City Schools to stop showing the film "Facing the Giants."

"This movie is not educational; it's evangelistic," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. "Parents and taxpayers expect our public schools to teach, not preach."

In a Jan. 15 letter, Americans United attorneys note that the film was shown repeatedly in classrooms last semester at Paul W. Bryant High School and that the school's principal plans to continue airing it in the future. The movie depicts the story of a losing high school football coach who turns his struggling team around by convincing them that "With God, all things are possible...."


Hat tip: Evolving in Kansas


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It's got its own web page http://www.facingthegiants.com and you can find clips on youtube. Looks like a decent movie except instead of "the Gipper" they have "the Jesus" I guess.

I don't know what happens if the other teams they play have their own Gipper Jesus though. Definitely they would go into overtime, that's for sure.