Minnesotans: Would You Like to Caucus for Al?

Minnesota is, as my cousin from Colorado was telling me the other day, one of the irrelevant states in the current presidential primary process. Maybe so. But the process is not irrelevant with respect to other issues at hand. Everybody I know is tired of our senior Senator, Norm Coleman, but we also like the guy. We like the guy so much we want to send him into retirement.

And replace him with Al Franken.

So you should vote for Al, send money to Al, tell your friends to vote for and send money to Al. But you can do more than that, and I would suggest caucusing for Al.

I have no idea how the caucus system works in Minnesota, beyond showing up and voting for the presidential candidate of your choice (we don't stand in different corners of the gym or local fire house for that, it is a paper ballot). But I'm going to find out, because I just signed up to do the caucus thing for Al Franken.

There will be training sessions and hopefully free beer or something, right?

If you are in Minnesota and want to Caucus for Al, go to this link and sign up!


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I agreed to be a precinct captain. I have been to 4 caucuses now, and each one has been different. This is one where I will be going to caucus for Al, and hope that Edwards is still available by Super Duper Tuesday. But even if Minnesota is "irrelevant" in the Presidential primary, the caucus for Senator is going to be a battle on that night.

If you run into any Nelson-Pallmeyer people there, try and swing them over to Al.

The last weekend I got to talk to Franni a few times. She is very cool.


Some time between now and then you and I are going to get a beer, right?