Oekologie Blog Carnival

The One Year Anniversary Edition is here, at the Infinite Sphere.

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Alvaro is helping the effort to start a Science Debate 2008 with his theme for this week's Grand Rounds: Briefing the Next US President, up on SharpBrains The 13th edition of Oekologie - the One Year Anniversary edition! - is up on The Infinite Sphere Carnival of the Green # 110 is up on Inventor…
Help us celebrate, if you would. Oekologie started one year ago on January 15 at The Infinite Sphere, and Jen will be hosting again this January 15 for the anniversary edition. Send us your latest and greatest posts about ecology and let's get another year under our belts. If you're interested in…
Welcome to the December edition of Oekologie. The previous edition of Oekologie, Oekologie returns!, is at The Infinite Sphere. The present edition is a veritable potpourri of disjunct and disparate topics. We see habitat loss and bad dogs, fascinating evolutionary stories, sussing out…
Standing on the edge of Niagra Falls you can watch the water pour over. Falling down the gravity of the earth, it exchanges its potential energy for kinetic energy by picking up speed. Some of that energy is extracted by turbines and lights the homes and businesses of Yankees and Canucks alike.…