Sorry, this is not as fresh and current as I would like, but you will still find it interesting. The National Center for Science Education has a news release covering a number of topics:


The Institute for Creation Research's quest for Texas certification of its
graduate school, which would offer a master's degree in science education,
is on hold, at the ICR's request. A preliminary assessment of the ICR's
facilities described the educational program as "plausible," adding, "The
proposed degree would be generally comparable to an initial master's degree
in science education from one of the smaller, regional universities in the
state," but a subsequent outcry from the scientific and educational
communities apparently prompted the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board to review the assessment and to request further documentation from
the ICR. Its application is now expected to be considered at the THECB's
next meeting, on April 24, 2008.


Science, Evolution, and Creationism, the new book from the National Academy
of Sciences and Institute of Medicine designed to give the public a
comprehensive and up-to-date picture of the current scientific
understanding of evolution and its importance in the science classroom, is
receiving wide attention -- and, what's more, praise both from the
scientific community and newspapers across the country for its
uncompromising endorsement of the necessity of including evolution in
science education.


Less than a month remains before Darwin Day! Colleges and universities,
schools, libraries, museums, churches, civic groups, and just plain folks
across the country -- and the world -- are preparing to celebrate Darwin
Day, on or around February 12, in honor of the life and work of Charles
Darwin. These events provide a marvelous opportunity not only to celebrate
Darwin's birthday but also to engage in public outreach about science,
evolution, and the importance of evolution education. NCSE encourages its
members and friends to attend, participate in, and even organize Darwin Day
events in their own communities. To find a local event, check the websites
of local universities and museums and the registry of Darwin Day events
maintained by the Darwin Day Celebration website. (And don't forget to
register your own event with the Darwin Day Celebration website!)

All this and more, in greater detail with piles of links, is here, at the NCSE news page.

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