War on Science - intelligent design - Part 3

"Eventually, I came up with a name for it. I called it 'irreducible complexity'"

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Hahaha. "When you look at molecules...you realize evolution can't explain life..."

Wait a second, I'm missing the part where he makes an actual argument for this assertion.

They have all the trappings, including an intellectual-fatherly British voice-over and the whole bit. But the main meal is still not there. There is no actual soundly structured, testable argument below all the "hunches" and "intuitions."

ID is like a Chinese box: you keep opening it and opening it looking for the present, and eventually, after it's all opened up, there's no "there" there.

Haha. Somewhere, if he even exists, probably God is thinking "hey idiots, all my stuff is logically put together. Blessed are scientists, for they have taken it upon themselves to study me and understand me, while the so-called "believers" are still worshipping their own projections."

By OldOne-eye (not verified) on 27 Jan 2008 #permalink

Omg that was horrible.

Look at these dice.

Now look at them closer!