Romney Exposed as Tolerant

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McCain to American Citizens: If you oppose me, you will be ticketed, removed, charged, and treated like a common criminal. If you simply shut up and listen, you can stay. [hat tip: Dogon Village] But wait, there's more: Hat tip Umlud

I am not Mormon. However, I live in a very Mormon area of Idaho. According to LDS literature, the Church of Latter Day Saints has strict laws on chastity, and the church believes that homosexuality is in violation of those laws. Leaders believe that homosexuality is a "distortion of loving, family relationships, making it a serious sin." They believe homosexuality prevents people from receiving the "blessings of family life." The LDS church does not limit the sin to homosexual behavior. It encourages members struggling with same-sex attraction to "resist temptation by praying and seeking help to overcome their homosexuality."

They do believe that homosexuals can "repent for their sins," but discourage members from committing the sin of homosexuality thinking that they can ask for forgiveness later.