Mel Gibson: Anti Gay

Mel Gibson broke off relations with recently departed actor Heath Ledger after he spurned Gibson's advice not to accept the role of a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain."

"Ledger asked Gibson whether he should take the role of Ennis Del Mar in 'Brokeback,'"...

"Gibson strongly counseled against it. The role apparently ran counter to Gibson's morality. And he felt that it would ruin Heath's career.


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Celebrity gossip buttressed by unattributed quotes! Good thing this isn't a journalism blog...

By Alfred P. Doolittle (not verified) on 03 Feb 2008 #permalink

I would do the same thing. Ask Mel Gibson for advice and do the opposite of what he says.

I thought Heath Ledger was heterosexual????? What business does Mel Gibson have "advising" a supposedly heterosexual actor to not accept a role about a gay cowboy, simply because his "morality" is against it? Besides, why would anybody be prepared to accept advice from the likes of Mel Gibson? Isn't he the guy that got drunk and shouted antisemitic garbage at the police officer who tried to arrest him, a year or so back?
Anne G

So you don't even care whether the story is true or not? Does the truth only matter when the target is "us" and not "them"?

By Alfred P. Doolittle (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Mel...someone oughta bend him over, and....for that matter, you too Doolittle....

By the real cmf (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink