Well, clearly my votes counted ..

... as Obama landslides (if I may verb that noun) Minnesota on Super Tuesday. Amanda and I went to the caucus last night, and stayed around for the vote count. We were in charge of making sure none of the voting slips dropped to the ground in the crowded classroom at the local High School.

The people who run the caucus reported that they had never seen so many people come to the event.

Oh, and we're delegates. We'll be taking this to the next level, next month. So if you are running for something, you'd better be nice to us!


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Ugh. I still can't understand all this Obamamania. Just 'cause a candidate is good at tugging at the ol' heartstrings does not mean he'll be a great President.

OMG. We usually have between twelve and twenty five people show up in Ward 2 Precinct 3. Last night we had 178. Everyone I talked to said the DFL caucuses were swamped.

Way to go, Greg...you are a winner. I voted for the old girl, and in my precinct she lost: 92-262 (or something close to that, reflective of the statewide percentages). Not that it matters much to Hillary, she did very well elsewhere and will continue to debate, which was my main interest anyway. I fear that Obama will not survive the generals, although McCain is not all that knowledgable on all fronts either...in which case they might both just look a little dumb, but I'm so tired of dumb (349 more days!) I don't know...some other things about Obama don't sit well with me either. Did you see his pouty little moment when Michelle was "leading" him around the stage in South Carolina? And so self-righteous! Maybe in 8 years. With his feet back on the ground, and a little gain of humility, he might not seem to me so much a baby absolutist.
Anyway, Jason and I are delegates too! We'll look for you at future conventions.

The polls at the U of MN were so strong that lines snaked around the auditoriums, and out into the cold--the first line I saw (Willey hall) zigzagged and wound around room 175 like a huge serpent, hissing "since when have white women ever been as disadvantaged, or more deserving of a shot at the top spot than (my guy) Obama, et al?

By the real cmf (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Boo-yah! Agreed. The Obama vote counted. And frankly, I'm proud to be part of Obamamania. In our precinct, it was Obama: 500; Hillary: 128 (and for the fun of it, Edwards: 3; Uncommited: 1; McCain (!!): 2) And apparently the showing was nearly 10 times that of the 2004 caucus. So... if Obama has what it takes to move people... that in and of itself is good enough for me. I mean, even if he's not perfect for the job (they rarely ever are), he'll be able to surround himself with other great minds (for instance, Clinton and Edwards, among many others). But there's no question about it: the man has LEADER written all over him. Oh! And I'm an alternate, but I'll most definitely be sitting. Should be sweet :)

Oh, and in retort to Analiese, the word on the street is that Obama is a lot more likely to catch the swing vote against McCain than Hillary... And don't get me started on candidates having "moments" - let's not forget Hillary's tears...