Has Ron Paul Quit?

Vague reports are circulating that Ron Paul is quitting his bid for president. He wrote this letter to supporters.

The way I read the letter, Paul is cutting back his campaign but intents to remain a thorn in the side for McCain. But Wonkette has a different take:

It is a tragic day for the Ron Paul ReLOVEution or whatever they call it. Late Friday night, Dr. Congressman Ron Paul posted a letter to his fans basically saying it's over, but he will continue talking about his message, and plus it would be completely embarrassing for him if he also lost his congressional seat. Gather the children and vodka so we can mourn the American Revolution that was lost.

Wankette is particularly insightful when she notes that Ron Paul's letter explicitly singles out "socialists" as the evildoers against whom he fights, while a good chunk of the 30 million he raised on the internet came from people with such leanings. Or so she says. Here.


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Ron Paul hasnt dropped out. From the Daily Dose (the Paul campaign HQ blog):

This Candidate Doesnt Quit
February 9th, 2008 by Dan McCarthy

A few news sources are misreporting Ron Pauls e-mail from last night. The presidential campaign is not ending, not being suspended, and not even drawing down. Its slimming down and ramping up with over twenty states having already voted, weve shed staff, and were concentrating financial and organization resources on the remaining states. Were going to the convention, and were fighting for every vote and every National Delegate along the way.


By George Dance (not verified) on 10 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ron Paul spoke at the FreedomFest conference last year and he has been invited again this year to join our 100 plus speakers and 1,000 plus attendees in Las Vegas on July 10 -12. We must do what we can to get the message of liberty, a return to limited constitutional government and free markets out to the American public. See www.freedomfest.com

By Ron Holland (not verified) on 11 Feb 2008 #permalink

Yes, you must. No one talks about "liberty," "limited constitutional government" or "free markets" in America. Those under-appreciated concepts need much more visibility around here. Good thing you're here to pick up the slack.