Bird Watchers Plan Global Takeover

And good luck to them, they will probably do a pretty good job!

This missive from Birders United comes to us via 10,000 birds.

In November 2008, birders, united in a voting bloc, can determine who will be the next president of the United States.

There are 15 million or more voting age Americans who have a serious interest in the welfare of birds. United as a voting bloc, birders could have a major say in who is our next president. Politicians in Britain think twice about opposing positions advocated by the million-member Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. In this country, birders can have a similar, and powerful, voice in the electoral process.

Will the new president follow in the footsteps of George W. Bush and kowtow to logging and oil and gas interests? Or, will the next president be environmentally friendly and use the power of his office to protect birds and their habitats?

Click here to see whom they have elected to support!


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