Yet another group of slack jawed yokels in some backwater school district want to force their religious beliefs on children in their local school district. This time it's Nassau County.
"The theory of evolution falls short here since it cannot be observed, hasn't been repeated and cannot be tested," Marjorie Ramseur told School Board members. "I applaud you for taking a stand on this issue. If you're going to teach evolution, please teach all of it."
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You don't have to look far to see evolution in action. If you've ever grown a garden with more than one variety of tomatoes in it you'll find that plants near each other will exchange genetic information to form hybrid fruits.
The nylon bug is by far the best rebuttal ever to that lie above that claims evolution cannot be tested, repeated, and observed.
Picking nits here, but 'slack jawed' is usually written solid -- 'slackjawed' in the US, 'slack-jawed' in the UK.
I have no problem describing evolution as a theory, as long as the teachers then go into great detail about what status as a theory entails, and how miserably short of that standard intelligent design falls, should it be one of the thus-far unspecified "other" theories to be included. When the kids can go back to the parents and pastors who have been inciting this foolishness and tell them, "Yes, evolution is a theory. So is gravitation. What is your point?" it will go a long way towards making this particular attack too embarrassing to make in future.
Oaf: Uffda...
This is how language works, yes? If you look in the Urban Dictionary, it is not hyphenated. I think hyphens are going out of style.
I never see slackjawed as one word. Slackjaw, yes, but not slackjawed.
Maybe I'll run this by the Sb editors....