Send Me Your Stuff

For the Tangled Bank Web Carnival, by Wednesday, please. You can send it here.

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The next edition of the Tangled Bank will be at Fish Feet on Wednesday, 15 August. Send those links in to me or Until Wednesday, you'll need to make do with these other carnivals, or engage in undirected and unspecified web-based social intercourse in the comment thread below…
A few carnival announcements: Carnival of Education #91 Friday Ark #111 Good planets are hard to find I know, it seems like we just had one, but it's coming up again: a new Tangled Bank on Wednesday, 8 November at Send links to science articles to PZ Myers or host@…
George has posted a last call for submissions for the next edition of the Teaching Carnival - all about Higher Ed, life in academia, etc. He is hosting it on WorkBook this Friday, September 1st, so send your entries on time to: georgehwilliams at gmail dot com Next Tangled Bank (science, nature,…
It's Friday! I have no classes today, so this is the day where I desperately struggle to catch up with the backlog; it also happens to be the day we're hosting a party at our house (you're invited: 5:30, my place, across the street from the university; everyone who is anyone will be there). If you…