Clinton-Obama has a ring to it

At least, according to Clinton:

Asked on CBS's "The Early Show" whether she and Obama should be on the same ticket, Clinton said:

"That may be where this is headed, but of course we have to decide who is on the top of ticket. I think the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me."


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I like the idea of a Clinton/Obama ticket and I could even warm up to an Obama/Clinton ticket. It would be a good thing for the Democrats to come together, make the run for the White House and increase their numbers in the House and Senate.

Fat chance. Obama would never take the demotion to VP, because he can push his agenda far more persuasively from the democratic controlled senate with a democrat in the white house. Getting connected to the scandals bound to come out of a Clinton whitehouse is probably a very bad idea as well. (If there aren't any real scandals, some will be manufactured from without I promise you.) He's a young man and will still be a relatively young man in 2016 (54) and certainly not too old in 2024 (62). It won't be until 2032 that he'll be as old as John McCain is now.

That said neither will Clinton give up her senate seat to be Veep. She's too old for another whitehouse run (except maybe in 2012 at 64 years old) and her agenda is best served in the senate as well.