Sandhill Crane Cam

i-5c7972ef2c4cd7f4b905bc14ee577020-cranes.jpgWell, it is migration season for many birds. The other day as we drove north to the cabin, we came across a flock of what I'm pretty sure were tundra swans resting on their long journey north. We are lucky to spend a lot of time in a major flyway for migratory birds, and we get to see lots of them.

Audubon and National Geographic have installed a web cam on Nebradka's Platte River in the Audubon Rowe Sanctuary, through which you can observe sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis). Look in the early morning and evening, at this URL.

I'm looking right now and can see that it is a bit windy, and it looks like a nice place, but I'm not sure if I see any cranes. A few blackbirds fly by the camera now and then.

Oh wait, there's a crane, I see one! No, no, sorry, just a white cap. There are some funny looking birds with white heads and I can see some bird watchers in the distance looking back at the web cam.

OK, well, I'll check back later...

[source and more info here]

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