The Comic Guide to the Expelled Scienceblogs Kerfuffle


Click the pretty boys for more.

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So as long as we're in captioning mode, I have one for your latest "Profile" photo (which I honestly like, because it looks as if there's an interesting story behind it):

Dude! No I won't fix your smelly old sandal....

Dad will fix it, though.

'Cuz Dad's a total dork.

No, we don't have internet access here. Crikey, I'm bored today.

Wish I had a Wii.

"Click the pretty boys"...?

Greg, are you getting a little misandrist here...or worse, are you inferring *gasp* homophphph-ph-ph-phobia?

Where is the outcry from those equality and equal justice, higher ground claiming sciborgs!!?? Where is the blog scandal--another man is ATT-TT-ACKED!!

Oh, yeah, that's right: sciborgs only speak up if its theoretically an 'anti-woman' comment....

but we all know its the hair isn't it;-)

By the real cmf (not verified) on 25 Mar 2008 #permalink