Mars Aureum Chaos


This image shows a large outcrop of layered rock in Aureum Chaos, an area that has apparently collapsed, leaving a region of irregular knobs and hills. Unlike many of the knobs, the light outcrop shows distinct, nearly horizontal layers. This may indicate that it was deposited after the collapse of the Chaos.

... this is what my back hard looks like right about now.... Click the photo for more info.


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Well that answers a question that has been bugging me for a long time:When Chaos collapses, what does it collapse into?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

Quite a bit of the ground up here is looking like this as well. I love breakup (which is how Alaskans refer to the spring thaw), just because of the really interesting snow stratigraphy and fractal geometry that erupts everywhere you look.